Commercial Overhead Door Repair near Buford, GA
Mavis Tire Commercial Glass Doors

Commercial Overhead Door Repair Near Buford, Milton, and Buckhead, GA

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Commercial Overhead Door Repair

When it comes to commercial door repair in Buford, Buckhead, and Milton GA, we make safety and communication our top two priorities. This means we work with business owners from the first sign of an issue through any maintenance needs with expertise and transparency. With your business needs in mind, we have created a commercial repair approach that considers the risk of a broken commercial overhead door to your property and employees. Broken commercial doors are hazardous, especially in terms of liability. That is why we are IDEA certified and extensively train and test our technicians to work on all types of commercial door repairs. We have the knowledge to ensure that your commercial door functions with long-term reliability and safety.

We want to help you run your business with the greatest degree of efficiency. That is why we prioritize your commercial repair needs, often able to schedule a consultation with one or two of our technicians on the same day you call. Additionally, we offer hourly commercial repair rates far below the standard. We understand the challenges of running a business so we want to help you in every way we can so you can succeed.

Call Us for Commercial Repair 678-960-3360

Because we only hire highly experienced overhead door technicians and require mandatory attendance of weekly training meetings, we have the expertise for all your commercial repair needs. We also work with every major brand that sells commercial doors, hardware, and operators so we are familiar with individual brand commercial repair needs. We provide all of the commercial overhead door repair services listed below.

  • Commercial Sectional Replacement
  • Commercial Roller Replacement
  • Door Balance Test
  • Commercial Operator Repair
  • Commercial Spring Replacement
  • High-Speed Door Repair & Install
  • Commercial Door Tune-Up

Commercial Overhead Door & Opener Maintenance

In addition to commercial repairs when you have an issue, we offer annual maintenance. Although it’s not required, we suggest annual maintenance for commercial doors opened and closed over 10 times a day. Commercial overhead door maintenance is especially important during significant season changes like the fall and spring to ensure that none of your parts experience unnecessary wear. Consider these three reasons to set up an annual maintenance plan for your commercial door:

  1. Malfunctioning Doors Are Dangerous – Your commercial overhead doors are likely one of the largest and heaviest moving parts of your business. This makes them one of the most dangerous pieces of machinery when broken. If an employee or customer is standing beneath the door when it breaks or if poorly installed parts fall, it could cause serious injury. Those are liabilities that reflect poorly on your business. Instead, ensure that you schedule regular maintenance to prevent parts from wearing out, bending, or loosening.
  2. Spend a Little Now to Save Later – Fully replacing a commercial overhead door can be an expensive project. However, if you schedule maintenance, this need for a new system can be put off for a longer amount of time. This is because a technician will notice small issues and perform tests that you as a business owner may not consider. When we repair these little problems as they arise, it keeps them from evolving into dangerous malfunctions and saves you from having to purchase a new system.
  3. Save Time and Convenience – When you schedule a brief maintenance service around your availability, it saves you from having to halt production for an issue later on. We have available times Monday through Saturday from early morning to late afternoon, including 24-hour emergency service, in order to accommodate any busy schedule. When you don’t have to worry about your door breaking suddenly, you have more time to focus on making your business successful.

Commercial Door Repair Near You!

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Our Maintenance Steps

During your maintenance appointment, our technicians will complete all of the following steps to ensure that your door is safe, efficient, and ready to last for years to come.

  • Check torsion spring tension and balance
  • Check that cables are not worn or stretched
  • Check roller health to ensure it is properly lubricated and rolling in the tracks
  • Check that hinges are operating properly
  • Check the exterior vinyl weather trim to see if it is cracked or brittle
  • Check for cracking or stress on steel overhead doors
  • Check the force and limits of the overhead door operator
  • Check tracks for stress or bends
  • Tighten screws on hinges and struts as well as tracks if needed
  • Check bearing plates for wear and bearings
  • Apply spray lube to hinges, rollers, springs, and bearing plates
  • Apply grease (not spray) to the motor rail for smooth operation
  • Check remotes, wall buttons, safety sensors, and keypads

No matter what type of commercial overhead door repair or maintenance you are seeking, don’t hesitate to give us a call at 678-960-3360. We are fully licensed, certified, insured, and ready to help!


